Monday, November 16, 2009

well, i am officially screwed. Went to the ortho today and got my x-rays redone. Lower fracture is healing nicely. Upper fracture has completely separated from the bone. I thought it was hurting a little more yesterday. I go in friday to get plates/screws installed. Off work for 3 weeks minimum. They put me on crutches today and pulled my work release. It could be 8 weeks after surgery before i'll get to be without a cast, sooner if all goes well. Man, this is almost February before i'll be mobile again...


dale said...

Wow. 8-(
I still don't understand why the doc had you walking on that break?

Time to line up some good reading material. I recently purchased a couple of bike books: "Pedaling Revolution" and "Bicycle Diaries". Also have a couple of stories about biking around the country in the club library you might like. Let me know.

Oldandintheway said...

Sorry to hear that Chris, maybe they can give you the Steve Austin treatment, faster and stronger than original equipment. I have some DVDs you can borrow if you want, concerts and movies. Let me know if I can do anything for you.

dale said...

Hey, heading out to CC this Sunday. Going to put in another line alongside the rooted climb. Will be steeper but just raw power climb and traction. That way, the rooted challenge will be available for future attempts, but not by you. 8-)

buconine said...

heh, i'm thinking flat pedals might be the rule for awhile.

I still think that climb would be ok if we could keep the dirt around the roots but then i like the sound of a power climb too.

My docs thoughts were to have the fracture fail now and not 2-3 months down the road. He personally wanted to have it pinned asap but the swelling had to go down first...

I drug out my Dan Brown/James Petersen collection of books. Gotta love a good conspiracy theory book!

have fun this weekend guys!