Monday, May 31, 2010

i don't know where this sign went but i wasn't gonna find out. I've spent enough time "otb" lately...

Swung by genoa, il while out in chitown to snap a pic of pops old house. Neighborhood is huge now. I remember when you turned off the highway there was just a sign pointing to the golf course. now there is a light and houses all the way to and around the course. Crazy considering this is in the middle of nowhere. Even Sycamore is huge now...

Got back to town and the pump track gave me inspiration to go work on the new section @ tranq. Got berm 3, 4, 5 done sunday and berm 6 done today. Figure i am going to need around ten pickup loads of dirt to finish the berms then 2-3 more to build the humps in the straights. Looks like crap now but i think it will be a blast once the berms are built full and are hit-able. Still need to mow and get sign posts put up. Sure were alot of new, lost riders out today.

pics from the joliet jump park are on facebook and grad pics are on the family blog.
That's aboot it for me. I'll post on the bike park findings later. Gotta go mow my own yard!


dale said...

man, I still haven't stopped by your work in progress yet.

wacked along north creek right to dark tonight. quick and dirty but knocked big stuff down. Paul and Emma were out walking dogs. Paul mowed trailhead to gravel road and gravel road along north side of creek to double dip.

Dave is going after the southhill descent tomorrow and I think mowing should be good for a couple weeks.

Thanks for southcreekflats. didn't realize you did the westend to the road, very nice!

buconine said...

Man that stuck but i took it way back so hopefully the big stuff won't fall over the trail again for awhile. We're a heck of a team!