Tuesday, April 07, 2009

man, if it wasn't for bad luck...

Playing with setting up the fork and i hear "crack". That can't be good. Try and pedal again and my shoe just folds...

I knew they had hairline cracks last fall, guess it was time. 15 years out of a pair of shoes isn't too shabby. Headed down to the Bike Way and got another set. If i can get another 15, i'm happy. I put the Crank Bros shims under the cleats to help protect the soles. The got me another few years out of these shoes when i wore a groove in them.

There be the Sycip with the sexy new fork. I called Fox tech support and was told to add another 10 psi to the fork, set everything in the middle but the blowoff valve. Set it at 1 click from the bottom and give it a shot. Playing around on the street feels much better till i shut the lock out off. Man, it is still uber plush... Tech support said that most ss guys run them in lockout all the time and let the blowoff do it's job. Guess i'll give it a shot tomorrow at Tranq or Manawa. Have to see where the boys are riding...

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