Monday, December 07, 2009

The poaching at Calvin Crest continues... Ya know, people really suck sometimes... Maybe time to start taking names/plate numbers and lifetime ban these riders. Maybe get pics and post them online so everyone knows who is to blame for us losing a new trail before it opens. It could happen, they don't seem to care...

I had some pretty sweet lines i wanted to build in the spring, i really could care less now...


DJ Chi Wai said...

I hope these riders don't ruin the experience before the trail even becomes a reality. If you guys need me to take down any posts/write ups about Calvin Crest, I will.


buconine said...

Nope, we've done all that we can to tell people not to go out there. If they still chose to poach, there isn't much we can do...

Thanks for all your group does for the trails. Wish we had more people with your enthusiasm!