Merry Christmas Everybody!
I've really got alot to be thankful for. An amazing family and awesome friends that have saved my rear sense getting hurt. My kiddos who picked up the slack and really helped me out doing all the little stuff that they didn't realize i do everyday. An understanding boss that didn't can me for getting hurt playing around...again. Lots of people offering support and prayers. I am a lucky guy to have such great people around me. Thanks for everything guys! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Doh, forgot the other good news. Got my blood levels stable, i get to go back to work! Also 1 more week with crutches, light weight bearing. Then 1 week with a cane, 2 weeks in the boot and i am free! Start pt end of Jan, unless i can talk them into letting me do the bike trainer and working as pt. Feels really weird to use my foot after 6 weeks. Doc said it is going to be awhile before it feels normal again. I am sooo ready...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I was talking with some of the shop rats and they had varying opinions on the racing subject. Some say racing is serious business and should be left to those that are really into it. Your rec riders and commuters enjoy what they are doing and don't need to strap on a number to justify riding a bike. Valid point. I like riding to work and doing group rides, they have nothing to do with racing really. I do like chasing faster riders because it helps me learn things that i wouldn't just cruising and i like pushing myself sometimes. But if there was a class for weekend warriors, would they race? Someone also mentioned that with only a couple races in Omaha a year, it's hard to get people into road racing. We'd need more smaller races in town to build fields. With low turnouts at our current road events, it would be hard to push for more races tho..
Another point brought up was the outlaw races that are popping up. The cruiser races at Schram, the alley cat races and scavenger hunts. These are laid back events more focused on fun than real competition. Some of these are hard to know about if you aren't in the right group or blog.
Pretty much the point was that there was something for everyone if you looked for it.
One thing i was thinking about was a twice a month mtb time trial series. Totally unofficial, free and based on those wanting to improve times on local trails. We used to do the weekly time trials in Irvington back in the 80's and it was a good ride to see how your fitness was doing. If there was enough interest, it wouldn't be hard to set up...
Enough talking in circles for now. Time for meds n bed...
Another point brought up was the outlaw races that are popping up. The cruiser races at Schram, the alley cat races and scavenger hunts. These are laid back events more focused on fun than real competition. Some of these are hard to know about if you aren't in the right group or blog.
Pretty much the point was that there was something for everyone if you looked for it.
One thing i was thinking about was a twice a month mtb time trial series. Totally unofficial, free and based on those wanting to improve times on local trails. We used to do the weekly time trials in Irvington back in the 80's and it was a good ride to see how your fitness was doing. If there was enough interest, it wouldn't be hard to set up...
Enough talking in circles for now. Time for meds n bed...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
This will probably be a long and incoherent ramble about bike racing, both road and mountain. I apologize now if your brain melts. These are my opinions and please leave yours to tell me where i am right and wrong in your opinion. The meds i am on scatter my thoughts at times, so i'll apologize in advance...
A return to grass roots racing. I look back to the 80's when i first started racing. There was not cat 5 class. I think it was a citizens class or something like that. You had guys on about anything for bikes, some in cut off jeans shorts and it was fun and competitive. My first race was the nebraska state games. I remember getting yelled at for still having my bags on my touring bike when i signed up for the race. I didn't know any better and neither did most of the rest of the people in that class. It was a blast. I ended up in a sprint in the crit and actually won. The next few races were more of the same. Fun people, great races, good times. I made alot of new riding friends.
Fast forward to about 8 years ago. I'd gotten back into riding on the weekends for fun. We'd go out on 30-40 mile rides on the weekends, sprint for who was buying the first round and having a good time. I heard about a race in town and thought i'd sign up. I was one of the fast guys in the group and thought it would be fun. I roll up to the line on my 20 year old race bike and immediately start catching grief. Wow, i didn't know this was a vintage race, i've never seen downtube shifters before, umm, you do know you're wearing mtb shoes... Sorry i didn't show up on a 3K bike for a cat5 race. What a bunch of snobs. Race starts, i'm in 3rd place...looks good. 3rd corner the 2 goons in front of me go down and i have to lock up the brakes to keep out of the mess. The rest of the pack flys by and i can't re-connect. Pulled by the 4th lap. Wow, this racing stuff is fun, just like the old days...not.
My point of all this rambling is that to get new people into our sport, we need a class for the weekend warrior. Nobody wants to get pulled half way thru a race or get lapped on the 3rd lap. I understand that for some people that can be motivation to improve. For others that is the reason to hang the bike in the garage and think that cycling isn't for you. That's why there needs to be a true beginner class. Something for the weekend riders, the 2-3 day a week commuters and for the general public. Something fun to where if you want to train and move up and really get into it great but also somewhere where those guys that aren't super serious about it still have a chance to race with their buddies and have a good time. Make a 2 podium rule to get bumped in with the cat5's or something to keep the sandbaggers out. Keep it fun! Life is serious enough without turning every free moment into training time.
I like looking at the beginner series in mtb. I have never seen such old outdated beaters out on the trail. These guys are loving it and having fun! Look in the pits before and after the race. Everyone is hanging out, laughing, talking about the race. There's no clic, no sneering at equipment. Everyone is just stoked to be out there. Isn't that why alot of us ride? It's not a perfect series, there are still some sandbaggers. I could probably be included in that list my first year. If the top few steps of the podium are winning by minutes over the field, you need to move up.
Ok, brain just shut off. I'll resume this later...
A return to grass roots racing. I look back to the 80's when i first started racing. There was not cat 5 class. I think it was a citizens class or something like that. You had guys on about anything for bikes, some in cut off jeans shorts and it was fun and competitive. My first race was the nebraska state games. I remember getting yelled at for still having my bags on my touring bike when i signed up for the race. I didn't know any better and neither did most of the rest of the people in that class. It was a blast. I ended up in a sprint in the crit and actually won. The next few races were more of the same. Fun people, great races, good times. I made alot of new riding friends.
Fast forward to about 8 years ago. I'd gotten back into riding on the weekends for fun. We'd go out on 30-40 mile rides on the weekends, sprint for who was buying the first round and having a good time. I heard about a race in town and thought i'd sign up. I was one of the fast guys in the group and thought it would be fun. I roll up to the line on my 20 year old race bike and immediately start catching grief. Wow, i didn't know this was a vintage race, i've never seen downtube shifters before, umm, you do know you're wearing mtb shoes... Sorry i didn't show up on a 3K bike for a cat5 race. What a bunch of snobs. Race starts, i'm in 3rd place...looks good. 3rd corner the 2 goons in front of me go down and i have to lock up the brakes to keep out of the mess. The rest of the pack flys by and i can't re-connect. Pulled by the 4th lap. Wow, this racing stuff is fun, just like the old days...not.
My point of all this rambling is that to get new people into our sport, we need a class for the weekend warrior. Nobody wants to get pulled half way thru a race or get lapped on the 3rd lap. I understand that for some people that can be motivation to improve. For others that is the reason to hang the bike in the garage and think that cycling isn't for you. That's why there needs to be a true beginner class. Something for the weekend riders, the 2-3 day a week commuters and for the general public. Something fun to where if you want to train and move up and really get into it great but also somewhere where those guys that aren't super serious about it still have a chance to race with their buddies and have a good time. Make a 2 podium rule to get bumped in with the cat5's or something to keep the sandbaggers out. Keep it fun! Life is serious enough without turning every free moment into training time.
I like looking at the beginner series in mtb. I have never seen such old outdated beaters out on the trail. These guys are loving it and having fun! Look in the pits before and after the race. Everyone is hanging out, laughing, talking about the race. There's no clic, no sneering at equipment. Everyone is just stoked to be out there. Isn't that why alot of us ride? It's not a perfect series, there are still some sandbaggers. I could probably be included in that list my first year. If the top few steps of the podium are winning by minutes over the field, you need to move up.
Ok, brain just shut off. I'll resume this later...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Ahhh, what a week. I've been getting some pretty severe pain after elevating my foot, especially at night. This morning it had gotten to the point of 2 percocets would barely knock the edge off. Called the doc again and he wanted to check the cast again to make sure it wasn't too tight. It was a little tight but after listening to my description of the pain and where it was happening, he decided to do a ultrasound of my leg for clots. Well, that was it. One behind the knee and 4 between the knee and ankle. After 4 waffles of whether they were going to keep me or not, they sent me home. Now i get to give myself 2 injections in the stomach twice a day till the pills kick in. Also daily blood tests and another ultrasound in a week. Gotta love docs... Do you have a will? Anyone to check on you during the night to make sure your breathing? Ya know,people die from this stuff... Gee, thanks doc...i feel much better. My favorite was when i asked what causes clots. Sitting around too much was the reply. Instructions for me? Elevate foot much as much as possible. Ummm, isn't that what caused this to begin with? And considering i've been working 8 hr shifts for over a week, i don't think i was too idle... best part? I'm on blood thinners. I can't work for at least 2 weeks. I'm outta vacation/sick time. Still no word from disability. ugh, i give up....
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
The poaching at Calvin Crest continues... Ya know, people really suck sometimes... Maybe time to start taking names/plate numbers and lifetime ban these riders. Maybe get pics and post them online so everyone knows who is to blame for us losing a new trail before it opens. It could happen, they don't seem to care...
I had some pretty sweet lines i wanted to build in the spring, i really could care less now...
I had some pretty sweet lines i wanted to build in the spring, i really could care less now...
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Added a few links to the side sense i was bored. Had to throw the Gravecandy Vampire logo/link up. The boy and his crew just got done recording their first songs. 1 song is up on their myspace, other will be up soon. Gotta say that this band is soooo much better than the last one he was in. Good trainer music to throw on the ipod and roll a fast tempo.
Threw some other random stuff that i read fairly often. Put some anime links up for anyone that geeks on anime in the winter like i do. Pretty crappy season so far this fall, hope it gets better. I'd really like to see another Clannad or Shuffle type series come out. Something that really sucks you into the story. All the ecchi/mecha stuff just doesn't really do it for me...
Back to foldin laundry!
Threw some other random stuff that i read fairly often. Put some anime links up for anyone that geeks on anime in the winter like i do. Pretty crappy season so far this fall, hope it gets better. I'd really like to see another Clannad or Shuffle type series come out. Something that really sucks you into the story. All the ecchi/mecha stuff just doesn't really do it for me...
Back to foldin laundry!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Wow, first day back at work. This is not going to be fun... I guess you never realize how much you depend on parts of your body until they are gone. My everything hurts...ugh...
Got the first hospital bill today...16K for the surgery not including office visits, etc. Guessing well over 20K even if i skip physical therapy by time it is all done. Jeez, the er visit was almost 2K on it's own.
There goes the new bike plan for next year. It was going to be such a wicked bike too... Oh well, i have many more years for toys. I can't complain about the bullet in the garage. She is a sweet ride and all i really need anyway...
Good luck to the big bro and crew heading to the next usgp cross race. Found the results for Jingle Cross earlier. Took the big win all 3 days. Here's to another usgp podium! Dude is such an animal!
That's it for me, time to go soak in the tub and relax...
Oh yea, i hear the poaching continues at Calvin Crest. Keep it up and there will be no trail to open in the spring. We have an opportunity to have another Platte style trail and the stupid are going to kill it for us. Personally, i say if they wreck this for us, we go on strike next year and the trails can maintain themselves.
Got the first hospital bill today...16K for the surgery not including office visits, etc. Guessing well over 20K even if i skip physical therapy by time it is all done. Jeez, the er visit was almost 2K on it's own.
There goes the new bike plan for next year. It was going to be such a wicked bike too... Oh well, i have many more years for toys. I can't complain about the bullet in the garage. She is a sweet ride and all i really need anyway...
Good luck to the big bro and crew heading to the next usgp cross race. Found the results for Jingle Cross earlier. Took the big win all 3 days. Here's to another usgp podium! Dude is such an animal!
That's it for me, time to go soak in the tub and relax...
Oh yea, i hear the poaching continues at Calvin Crest. Keep it up and there will be no trail to open in the spring. We have an opportunity to have another Platte style trail and the stupid are going to kill it for us. Personally, i say if they wreck this for us, we go on strike next year and the trails can maintain themselves.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Woohoo, good news considering..
Got staples out today, everything looks good. Man, i'm gonna have a wicked scar... Got my ghetto cast on and hopefully will be in a walking boot in 3 weeks. Got released for work but with no weight bearing and on crutches. It won't be easy but with vacation time running out, it's all i got.
Looks like ya'll are getting some good rides in while the weather is still good. Wish i was out there with ya... It is giving me more time to plot out my project for next season. We will have to see what this little mishap is going to cost me first...
Enjoy the ride!
Got staples out today, everything looks good. Man, i'm gonna have a wicked scar... Got my ghetto cast on and hopefully will be in a walking boot in 3 weeks. Got released for work but with no weight bearing and on crutches. It won't be easy but with vacation time running out, it's all i got.
Looks like ya'll are getting some good rides in while the weather is still good. Wish i was out there with ya... It is giving me more time to plot out my project for next season. We will have to see what this little mishap is going to cost me first...
Enjoy the ride!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm home from surgery and all went well. Off my feet for 72hrs and digging the percocet. They used a blocker on me, never had one of those before. Must work good, i still can't wiggle my toes. Guess it can take 24 hrs or so to wear off.
Good luck to all doing the cross races this weekend. Have fun at Cc you guys. Wish i was out there with ya....
Back to napping!
Good luck to all doing the cross races this weekend. Have fun at Cc you guys. Wish i was out there with ya....
Back to napping!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ahh, the car i never should have sold. In reality, i'm glad i sold it and i know where it is still. It has undergone a full resto (actually 2) sense i sold it. I never would have done anything more than continue butchering it in the desire to go faster. Watching these sell on ebay for 50k+ is a bitter pill to swallow. Someday, i'll have another and have to common sense to keep it a driver instead of a race car....

Heh, found an old box of pics while looking for my crate 'o novels. Note to self: clean scanner and pics before scanning...
The mighty Dak. The poor life this thing lived. Whether it was getting beat to death at the auto crosses or dragging my coronet around. It met it's fate coming home from Scribner one day. A head on with a redneck took it out of commission...
Last 2 pics are from Nationals. I towed my roommates lt1 camaro down to the race and he snapped a cam during practice. We ended up with 4 people racing a dead stock v-6 Dakota in ESP. The announcer had a ball with the tow vehicle racing. I took home 3rd against tri-power vettes and modded mustangs. It was a riot...

The mighty Dak. The poor life this thing lived. Whether it was getting beat to death at the auto crosses or dragging my coronet around. It met it's fate coming home from Scribner one day. A head on with a redneck took it out of commission...
Last 2 pics are from Nationals. I towed my roommates lt1 camaro down to the race and he snapped a cam during practice. We ended up with 4 people racing a dead stock v-6 Dakota in ESP. The announcer had a ball with the tow vehicle racing. I took home 3rd against tri-power vettes and modded mustangs. It was a riot...

Monday, November 16, 2009
well, i am officially screwed. Went to the ortho today and got my x-rays redone. Lower fracture is healing nicely. Upper fracture has completely separated from the bone. I thought it was hurting a little more yesterday. I go in friday to get plates/screws installed. Off work for 3 weeks minimum. They put me on crutches today and pulled my work release. It could be 8 weeks after surgery before i'll get to be without a cast, sooner if all goes well. Man, this is almost February before i'll be mobile again...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Ahhh, what a weekend! Got out to Calvin Crest for some trail work. We added close to a mile of pretty technical trail. Wish i could have rode it... Unfortunately, my ego got the best of me. I'm pretty good at cleaning difficult sections and when Dale told me that they couldn't clean a section the other day, i knew i had to go for it. Ya, i didn't clean it either. Fell off a bank with my left foot clipped in and fractured 2 bones in my ankle. Now it's off to the doc to decide what they are going to do with it... The xrays aren't exciting enough to post, so i'll leave them for later...
**Edit** I guess i didn't break 2 bones but one bone twice. The breaks are about 3" apart on the minor ankle bone. Get to go in next week and they are going to decide if i am going to need plates/screws. Hopefully i will just get stuck in this boot for 4 weeks and be good to go. Either way, i'm done till the new year pretty much. So many things planned for the trails...guess they will still be there in the spring...
**Edit** I guess i didn't break 2 bones but one bone twice. The breaks are about 3" apart on the minor ankle bone. Get to go in next week and they are going to decide if i am going to need plates/screws. Hopefully i will just get stuck in this boot for 4 weeks and be good to go. Either way, i'm done till the new year pretty much. So many things planned for the trails...guess they will still be there in the spring...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
wow, who opened the gates to the nuthouse... what a week...
The entertainment that comes in the shop lately has been amazing.
We get a call from a woman demanding the keys to her car. After 10 minutes of trying to figure out who she is and if we have her car, we find out that she bought a pop with a contest on it. She firmly believes that because she bought a pop, she gets a car. After another hour of discussion, we give up with her threatening to come to the shop with the cops. We told her, go ahead. She does. She shows up with her bottle to claim her car. After another hour of fighting with the sales department, she finally storms out after the manager threatens to have her arrested. I feel sorry for the next person she gets. She was heading to the soda company next with her lawyer...
Next guy makes an appt and shows up saying he was just in and we ordered parts for his car. Head to parts dept, no parts. Do a little digging...guy hasn't been in sense 2006! Now he is pissed because he is out of warranty and refuses to pay to get his car fixed. His excuse for waiting almost 3 years? He's been This was another hour long bitchfest ending with "i'm gonna sue, blah, blah" ugh...
The awesomeness of quick lube places never stops. Neither do the people that go there. If you take you car somewhere for work and it leaves a puddle under it immediately after, take it back there. Don't bring it to me then bitch when i want to charge you to fix it right. Loose drain plugs, wrong filters, torn gaskets and my personal favorite...draining the wrong fluid. We've had 3 of those this week alone. Drain the trans, add 5 qts of oil to a full crankcase and run 'em out the door. Then when the car dies 3 blocks away, tow it to the dealer and scream about our crappy warranty. Sweeeet....
Ok /rant. Needs to stop raining so i can ride and quit being so grumpy. That or i need to clock one of these morons that wanders into the shop....
wow, who opened the gates to the nuthouse... what a week...
The entertainment that comes in the shop lately has been amazing.
We get a call from a woman demanding the keys to her car. After 10 minutes of trying to figure out who she is and if we have her car, we find out that she bought a pop with a contest on it. She firmly believes that because she bought a pop, she gets a car. After another hour of discussion, we give up with her threatening to come to the shop with the cops. We told her, go ahead. She does. She shows up with her bottle to claim her car. After another hour of fighting with the sales department, she finally storms out after the manager threatens to have her arrested. I feel sorry for the next person she gets. She was heading to the soda company next with her lawyer...
Next guy makes an appt and shows up saying he was just in and we ordered parts for his car. Head to parts dept, no parts. Do a little digging...guy hasn't been in sense 2006! Now he is pissed because he is out of warranty and refuses to pay to get his car fixed. His excuse for waiting almost 3 years? He's been This was another hour long bitchfest ending with "i'm gonna sue, blah, blah" ugh...
The awesomeness of quick lube places never stops. Neither do the people that go there. If you take you car somewhere for work and it leaves a puddle under it immediately after, take it back there. Don't bring it to me then bitch when i want to charge you to fix it right. Loose drain plugs, wrong filters, torn gaskets and my personal favorite...draining the wrong fluid. We've had 3 of those this week alone. Drain the trans, add 5 qts of oil to a full crankcase and run 'em out the door. Then when the car dies 3 blocks away, tow it to the dealer and scream about our crappy warranty. Sweeeet....
Ok /rant. Needs to stop raining so i can ride and quit being so grumpy. That or i need to clock one of these morons that wanders into the shop....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
almost forgot, This is for you pops. The nitrogeezers site is packed full of pics from the 60's and 70's drag races. I've been working my way thru looking for pics of the old fueler. Wasn't there a yellow fuel car before the coke striped one? I think i was all of 5-7 years old thru all this...heh. Don't remember much but pics. We need to scan all your old pics and send to this site!!!!!
Big D finally got his show broadcasted thru OPS by UNO. The O-Zone. It ended up getting cut down to a segment of another show but it's better than nothing. He is at the end of the clip below. He also wrote and filmed for the main show. Nice job i think. I really hope he can achieve his dreams of being in tv broadcasting. We are looking at a few different colleges, digging thru scholarships and they are already sending stuff out for graduation. Technically he can graduate end of first semester but he wants the extra credits and extra curricular activities for scholarships.
Grrr, the embed doesn't work. Here's a link..
Other than that, not much going on. Walked tranq and did some water bar repairs to get ready for upcoming weather. Also am plotting out a couple re-routes to help get rid of the water bars altogether. Also eyeballing a wicked line on the north hill descent. Going to ask if i can build it this weekend while finishing up Calvin Crest trailwork.
Other than that, got to hang with my brothers the other weekend. It was great to see the Jersey and KC crews again. Maybe someday i'll make it out to Jersey...or Colorado...or somewhere it doesn't snow...
I leave you with random tunes from my mp3 player...
Grrr, the embed doesn't work. Here's a link..
Other than that, not much going on. Walked tranq and did some water bar repairs to get ready for upcoming weather. Also am plotting out a couple re-routes to help get rid of the water bars altogether. Also eyeballing a wicked line on the north hill descent. Going to ask if i can build it this weekend while finishing up Calvin Crest trailwork.
Other than that, got to hang with my brothers the other weekend. It was great to see the Jersey and KC crews again. Maybe someday i'll make it out to Jersey...or Colorado...or somewhere it doesn't snow...
I leave you with random tunes from my mp3 player...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Had to put Dave mid-launch on the top of the page. Looks like he was going to jump the road!
Amazing day for a race. The trail seemed to dial itself in by the end of the cat 3's. Great job to all that raced. K nailed her finally victory and the series win. Good job kiddo! Makes me wish i was out there with ya. I couldn't even be a decent cheerleader with little to no voice. Got to meet a couple of the guys from The Biking Fools blog. Nice to meet ya guys! The season is history for mtb, now time for cross. Don't think it is going to happen for me but ya never know...
Amazing day for a race. The trail seemed to dial itself in by the end of the cat 3's. Great job to all that raced. K nailed her finally victory and the series win. Good job kiddo! Makes me wish i was out there with ya. I couldn't even be a decent cheerleader with little to no voice. Got to meet a couple of the guys from The Biking Fools blog. Nice to meet ya guys! The season is history for mtb, now time for cross. Don't think it is going to happen for me but ya never know...
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